Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Deadline: March 23rd, 2020, 3pm. 
Enjoy your mid-term holidays. See you next Thursday.
Write TWO 60-word paragraphs by 
retelling and describing this pic.

1. (60 words) What is happening in the picture? Describe. 

Use   present continuous & has/have+ V3 (perfect tense).

Comment:  Pls REWRITE in your own REPLY box the correct one. I've given two examples in RONALD(?) & Carlson's BOXes.  Ronald seemed to be the 1st post-er.

Eg., In the picture, there ARE 6 boys--five ARE LIFTING  a boy, Joseph, on the wall magz board. Joseph HAS done .... (still present tense (perfect), right? The five friends HAVE just MADE fun of him. .....

2. (60 words) Next, retell what do you think   happened/was going on that November in class 8B. 

Write the TWO paragraphs in the COMMENT box, like what you've once done before.
Please write your NAME.
Comment: Most of you have done it correctly. Just use PAST tense(s).